I have two intros for this one…

1…For a moment in time when the Cast Members need some help…

As the CMs are trapped by zombies, or another source of pain and death, the enemies start sprouting feathers and dropping. If the enemies are zombies, the feathers are coming out of the Weak Spot.

The sprouting feathers are from bow-men. A group of archers, using mostly long-bow and recurve bows, has come to the rescue of the party. The unknown saviors are dressed in military style and Middle Ages style clothing. All of them have more than enough arrows, a few have small axes, all have multiple knives, a couple have swords or some such, and one has a high calibre revolver.

The saviors will get the CMs out of the situation the quickest way possible. They prefer to strike fast, strike hard, and strike last. They will even go so far as to help carry off sick and wounded.

2…The Cast Members are travelling down a street through the downtown of an unknown town. Have them make a Perception Check. Those making the check will see and hear, those missing the check will only hear, a young child go scurrying down the street. Following the child, the Cast Members come across…



A store-front of broken glass, fixed with layers of plywood. The front door is made of a hard wood and has various locks and many claw marks upon it. A bit of a barricade is built up around the door, funneling all visitors straight to the door. There is a simple gate across the entryway. This helps to keep out zombies, but it also makes for easy killing of zombies. The building is three stories high, as are the buildings on either side of it. Some of the windows on the upper levels have been replaced with wood, others have glass in them, whether original or replaced.

Entering through the front door, the Cast Members arrive in a small room. Two people are here with small calibre sniper rifles. A set of huge, oaken, double doors leads beyond.

Beyond those double doors lie the ground level of a small enclave of warriors fashioned in manners older than our modern society. Ways almost forgotten by modern man.

The inside of this level is made from good wood grains. The room is set-up lengthwise. A bar lines one long wall and tables with benches line the other. Hanging on the walls are different weapons and shields designed with the Middle Ages in mind. A small kitchen can be seen in the far end of the room. A doorway leads to stairs heading up and down.

The basement has been converted to a food and drink storage area. It is extremely cramped down there.

The second level is divided into two sections. One section is personal, private space. This would include private family areas, bedrooms, and the like. The other area is a giant common area. The common area is filled with tables, chairs, a few games (like Chess and Checkers), and many weapons. All of the firearms are locked up tight. A careful look about the room will reveal two or three people helping to keep an eye on the lock box, when the Cast Members are around. They do not seem to care if the CMs go near the Middle Age based weapons.

The third floor is much like the second floor, except that the common area seems to be used for working, instead of relaxing. There are looms, bolts of fabric, sheets of metal, stacks of wood, and more.

The stairwell leads to the roof. There are walkways to the buildings on either side of the main building.

One building contains livestock. There aren’t very many pieces of livestock, but a few. Two cows, at most, less than five sheep, and a small flock of chickens are on the second floor. The first floor has been retro-fitted to store a small herd of horses (less than twenty). Large doors lead out the back of this building. The third floor is filled with seed and hay for the animals.

The other building is the weapon-smithy. The ground floor is buttoned up tight. All of the walls and doors have had multiple layers of reinforcement put in. The ground floor has a forge built into it. There is no basement to this building. The second and third floor are where the actual assembly of weapons and other armaments are put together. They have the tools necessary to make bullets, arrows, bolts for crossbows, blade weapons, blunt weapons, a couple of styles of armour, and if someone had the knowledge, possibly even some type of firearm. A couple of old-timers have begun working on explosives, but have not been very successful. They are taking their time and doing it correctly.

The roofs all have multiple lean-to shelters on them to keep the snipers dry. Five sets of eyes are always stationed on the rooftops. A largish garden sits in the middle of each roof. Each building also has four lengths of rope that are long enough to use in descending the roofs. There are two posts to tie the ropes to on each side of each building.

Whether or not the Cast Members are there willing, they will be asked to put their firearms in a strongbox. If the CMs came peacefully, they will be given the key to the box. If they did not come peacefully, someone of the Heorot will keep the key.

As an aside, the children carry knives and treat them with the respect of a deadly weapon.

Very few people carry firearms. Those few people that happen to carry side-arms have a deep look to their eyes. These people are the longest survivors here at the Heorot. If pressed, one of the side-arm carriers will mention that the side-arms are not for zombies or raiders. Rather, those that carry the side-arms have been designated as "Domesday Warriors."

Domesday Warriors are responsible for killing those members of the Heorot who die and may come back as zombies. They are sent in the field with all hunting and scavenging trips. If and when another member of the Heorot goes down under the zombie horde, these people are responsible for making sure that the member does not return. They are also responsible for telling the family members what happened during the excursion.


Possible events…

1…The characters are asked to join the commune. There is plenty of mead and ale to go around an evening of friend-making. They would not be asked to permanently give over their long-arms, only their side-arms. They may have their side-arms back, when and if they become Domesday Warriors.

2…An horde of zombies attack. This will allow the Cast Members witness the brutally precise execution that the members of the Heorot put on. Archers will line the upper floor windows and the roof-tops. They will mathematically execute each and every zombie within 150 yards with their bows. No firearms will be used!

3…A pack of raiders attacks. Adults will arm themselves with a melee weapon or two, and a firearm. Teenagers and children will also be armed. Many of the youths know how to effectively use bows, but not firearms. The members of the Heorot will allow the raiders to get damned close to the main building, firing upon the raiders only from the second and third floor of the main building. As soon as the raiders are within ten yards of the main buildings front door, every single member of the Heorot (that is able) will open fire on the raiders. Windows will fly open from the two side buildings and snipers will show up on the roof.

4…Event #3 followed directly by Event #2!

5…One of the Domesday Warriors loses it in a big way. One night, he begins walking through the Heorot executing everyone. He believes that it is his duty to kill everyone, now. He has come to think that since everyone becomes (or can become) a zombie upon their death, that he should execute them before they turn.

This last one could get extremely graphic and may not be acceptable for all audiences. For a real nasty affect, throw in #5 with #3 or #2.



Copyright 2001 D.A. Stoelting






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